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How to Plan Your Podcast from Start to Finish

Today, we’re doing a little throwback episode by going back to the basics. You know, the fundamentals of starting your podcast. Think of this as Podcasting 101. Many of you know that the Proffitt Podcast is designed to be a time-saving shortcut for you, with easy-to-follow tips and practical advice to help you along your podcasting journey.

I realized that my recent episodes have focused on some pretty big strategies. But let’s strip away all the fancy stuff and focus on the basics of planning your podcast from the beginning. More specifically, let’s talk about how you can break down the interview recording process so you’re not overwhelmed when it comes time to record.

Calling Out the Podcast Newbies

If you’ve been listening to my show and you still haven’t launched your podcast, I’m talking to you. Consider yourself lovingly called out as your podcast coach. Many of you are stuck in the creation process, bogged down by your perfectionism, or terrified to hit the publish button on your content.

This episode is especially for you! I’ll break down the steps you need to follow to plan your podcast interviews and record them in a way that feels easy and natural. These tried and true methods are what helped me get to over 250 episodes of the Proffitt Podcast, with almost half of those episodes being interviews.

I understand that different podcasters have different systems and strategies, but I know these steps will help you avoid a lot of frustration and heartache in the process. Even if you don’t plan on doing interviews, consider this: What if Oprah calls you and wants to be on your podcast? Are you going to turn her away? (Please don’t!)

While I’m not saying interviews are better than solo episodes, they do offer something special and unique to listeners. I want to show you that either option is a good choice. You can learn from both styles, and I’m excited to help you plan your podcast interviews today.

Planning Your Podcast Interview: Breaking Down the Process

When you’re planning your podcast interview, you want to follow these steps:

1. Establish the Format

First, you need to decide on your format. This is something you must determine before booking your first guest because you need to know the flow of your episode. If you need tips on how to find the right format, check out the resources in the show notes.

Your format helps set expectations for you and your guest, and knowing the format ahead of time will help the interview go more smoothly. Think of yourself as the host of a party. You’re in charge of establishing expectations. For example:

  • What time does the party start?
  • Do you need to bring anything?
  • What kind of party is it?
  • When will it end?
  • Can you leave whenever you want?

When you establish the format of your podcast episode, you get to choose how everything will go down. Set guidelines for yourself so that you know exactly how the episode will flow.

Here’s a breakdown of how I format my interviews:

  • Start with a Hook: Record a hook to draw the listener in.
  • Add a Theme: Add a podcast theme after your hook.
  • Bio/Intro: Give a brief introduction of your guest and their bio.
  • Interview: Record the interview segment with your guest.
  • Outro: Record an outro with a call to action or important information for your listeners.

2. Record the Interview

Once you’ve decided on the format, you can begin recording your episode. Don’t worry about recording everything until the interview is done. I use Calendly to schedule interviews and make sure I have a solid plan for what to discuss during the conversation.

Once you’ve recorded the interview, you can schedule a time to record your intro, outro, or other segments. Remember, this process will evolve as you grow as a podcaster, so don’t feel like you have to get it perfect on your first try.

3. Edit the Podcast

Finally, you’ll need to edit your segments together. Edit all your recorded segments and add the music at the end. One of the biggest lessons I learned in my podcast journey is that I need to separate my creative tasks. I don’t plan, record, and edit in one sitting. I separate each part of the process into its own task, and it has made podcasting much more enjoyable.

If you’re recording a month’s worth of interviews, just focus on recording. Plan some amazing conversations with your guests and focus on that task alone. Then, when you’re ready, focus on the next task of editing the episodes. I recommend batching your tasks and focusing on one thing at a time.

Tips for Streamlining Your Podcast Workflow

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all these steps, here are a few practical tips to streamline your workflow:

  1. Batch Your Work: Spread your tasks out over a week. You don’t need to cram everything into one sitting. Give yourself whitespace between tasks and avoid switching between planning, editing, and marketing all at once.
  2. Keep It Simple: It doesn’t have to be perfect or complex. You can use my five-step format or tweak it to suit your style.
  3. Use Editing Software: Use editing software like Hindenburg to save time. For example, I edit episodes at 2x speed to cut down the time it takes to review and make adjustments.
  4. Create Show Guidelines: Once you’ve figured out your format, create some show guidelines for your guests so they know what to expect. Include information about your audience, your format, and any instructions about links, show notes, or what to do if a dog barks in the background.

Podcasting Can Be Fun and Easy!

Podcasting should be something you enjoy, not something that stresses you out. I’m fired up because I love helping people get back to basics with their podcasting. If this content is still confusing and feels over your head, you may be the right fit for Proffitt Podcasting, my online course that will teach you everything you need to know to get your podcast up and running.

For more information, check out KrystalProffitt.com/Episode257 to see how Proffitt Podcasting can help you.

I’d love it if you followed the podcast wherever you’re listening, and please leave us a rating and review! I appreciate you all for being a part of this community, and I hope you’re just as excited as I am about the future of your podcast.

Remember, keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

Video Recap of Today’s Episode:

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

Podcaster • Cheerleader • Coach •

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