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Hi, I'm Krystal.
Welcome to The Proffitt Podcast - where we teach you how to create  content with confidence.

Episode 373

11 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Content Growth

You are your own worst enemy. I know, I don’t like to say it, you don’t like to hear it – but it’s true.

Content creators at the worst at sabotaging your content growth. And I’m the worst at it too. Misery loves company in this scenario.

I spent years wondering why my podcast wasn’t growing, how my YouTube numbers were stagnant, and why 20 people visited my website in a month. Yes, I said “month,” not day.

It all boils down to eleven mistakes we all make that end up sabotaging content growth. These will pigeonhole you into the same place for years if you don’t do something to course correct. Let’s break them down.

1. Only creating content for one platform.

I won’t say directly that you need a podcast, YouTube, and blog to be successful today, but I will say that creating on multiple platforms can help you grow your audience and your authority faster.

2. You’re just thinking about your audience as they are today — not growth for you or them.

My audience has grown and evolved as I’ve continued to grow and evolve. You have to think about your content as dynamic and not get too bogged down in the staticness of what you’re creating today — otherwise, you’ll end up stuck in the same place 12 months from now.

3. Not doing any SEO, even the basic stuff.

Knowing what to title your podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and blog posts can help you appear in search engine results.

4. You’re titling your podcasts with episode numbers

Stop doing this immediately. They don’t add value to your audience. And all podcast hosts have a section in your episode upload process to categorize this for you.

5. You don’t have a website.

It’s 2022, you need a website!

Radical Repurposing is open…

In this brand new program, you’ll go from feeling overwhelmed and burned out with your content to feeling you’re on launch day again!

6. Your CTAs are sad or non-existent.

If you don’t ask people to subscribe, join your email list, follow you on IG, or buy your product/service, then why would they?

7. You’re not marketing your own content.

Stop creating content each week and then not telling anyone about it!

8. Not networking with others in your industry.

Whether it’s content collaborations, promo swaps, or just getting to know others, you should be connecting with other creators in your industry. See them as peers and not competition. (It’s helped me tremendously in my business!)

9. Spending too much time editing.

It’s okay to have “umms” or pauses in your podcast episodes. It’s totally fine if the lighting in your YouTube video is a little off today. It’s okay to have a blog post that’s not “Pulitzer Prize worthy”. Stop spending all of your time editing when you could publish a decent piece of content.

10. Not showing up consistently.

The bottom line is that if people don’t know when you’re going to show up for them, why would they show up for you?

11. Not strategically planning what you’re creating.

Everything needs to have a purpose. Whether it’s a small goal you’re working towards or a life-changing goal, you need to have a plan to get there. And I can promise you that Dude Perfect (with over 58 million YouTube subscribers) or Armchair Expert (a Top Podcast with millions of downloads) have a plan for their content, their audience, and the path they see for their futures.

Video Recap of Today’s Episode:


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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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