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Episode 281

What is Podfade & Why Does It Happen?

“I’ll be your podcast therapist…”

Seriously, let’s talk…

“Welcome to my office. Please take a seat on the couch and get comfortable. Would you like a cup of coffee or a glass of water? We’re going to settle in for the next hour…”

I’m not a licensed therapist, but I imagine I’d be pretty welcoming in a situation where someone comes to me desperate to “fix” their podcast. How can I say that with confidence? Because I help podcasters all the time with their “podcast problems.”

 And, more often than not, I’m helping people who are debating whether they should quit their podcasts or keep going. (It feels like my life’s mission to keep as many people podcasting as possible!)

So, yes…

I’ll be your podcast therapist today!

And my first task as your new therapist is for you to understand what podfade is, how it happens, and – most importantlyhow to avoid it happening to you and your podcast.

 “Pull up a chair, settle in with a nice beverage, and let’s dive in…”

What is Podfade?

Simple Definition

Podfade-  the result of a podcaster that stops publishing new content. In other words, their podcast has faded into oblivion. 

Dramatic Definition

Podfade- the result of a podcaster who can’t figure out what to do with their show for the following reasons:

      • They don’t have time.
      • They can’t find any guests.
      • They believe editing is the worst.
      • They’re frustrated with their workflow.
      • They aren’t growing their audience. 
      • They’re overwhelmed trying to market their show.
      • They have no clue what to talk about next.
      • They stopped publishing episodes and don’t know how to start again.
      • They’re comparing their podcast to others and don’t think they’re good enough.

The reasons why people tell me they podfade are endless. Some are intentional. Others aren’t. Some people are desperate to figure out their shows. Others forgot why they started in the first place.

There is a large spectrum as to why a show podfades, but I’m here today to reassure you that you can absolutely come back from a show that’s hit podfade.

How to Come Back from Podfade

Let’s keep it simple.

There isn’t a big, mind-blowing experience that has to happen when you come back from a podfade. But, since I know you want practical steps to make it happen, here are the 3 ways to come back if your podcast has faded:

1.  Just start publishing again.

Seriously, you don’t have to make it any more complicated. Create a podcast episode and publish it. No big explanation as to why you were gone, what happened behind the scenes, or the nitty-gritty of your absence. 

Just start talking again. 

2. Make an announcement episode.

If you are someone who think they need to give their audience a little more info as to why you haven’t published new content in a while, then create a short bonus episode explaining such. You can include other important show announcement if things are changing.

An example would be, “I’m so glad to be back for the [PODCAST NAME]! I went on a break to [INCLUDE BACKSTORY], but we’re back and ready to jump right back in. You can expect new episodes from the show every [PUBLISHING DAYS]. I’ll officially be back on [RE-LAUNCH DATE]! Can’t wait for you to hear what I’ve been working on.”

(This could be used in a bonus episode or used as an intro for your “come back episode”.)

3. Start a new season.

Sometimes you just need a fresh start. I get it. You aren’t sure if the content you created before was the right type of content for you or your audience. But you also don’t want to rebrand your entire show and lose the existing subscribers/followers you’ve built around your old content.

Starting a brand new season is an easy way to make a clean start without having to rebrand your entire show. Similar to above, you could make an announcement about the new season and what listeners can expect.

When is it time to rebrand?

There are other options.

It’s hard for some shows to come back from a podfade. I’ve seen it happen to many of my peers in the online space. “I’ve just been gone from that audience for too long…It’ll be awkward…I want to pivot my content…I’ve grown and want something different…”

Hey, I’m NOT here to judge!

There are many reasons to cut bait and start a brand-new podcast. But if rebranding your show is the solution you’ve been looking for, make sure you check out these episodes:

Video Recap of Today’s Episode:


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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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