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Becoming a Successful Podcast Guest: How to Get in Front of the Right Audience

Today, we’re diving into one of my favorite topics: podcasting! But we’re focusing on something specific—how to be a successful podcast guest. We’ve talked about this on the show before, but I cannot stress enough the importance of being strategic about getting on other podcasts. It’s all about finding the right audience, at the right time, with the right message. So, I cannot wait for you to listen to today’s interview. Let’s get right to it!

Meet Kristin Molenaar: CEO of Yes Boss

Our special guest today is Kristin Molenaar, an entrepreneur enthusiast who lives by the mantra “work less and make more.” She loves helping entrepreneurs ditch vanity metrics in favor of true profitable connections. As the CEO of Yes Boss, an agency that helps entrepreneurs increase their visibility and credibility through profitable podcast guest features, Kristin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

We had a blast during our conversation, which took a few unexpected turns. I hope you learn a lot about being a guest on podcasts. Here’s my interview with Kristin.

Kristin’s Journey into Online Business

Krystal Proffitt: Kristin, welcome to the show! I’m so excited to have you here.

Kristin Molenaar: Thanks for having me, Krystal! I’m excited to chat with you today.

Krystal Proffitt: I love talking to someone in the podcasting and marketing space who brings a unique perspective. Can you share a bit about how you got into the online business world? It hasn’t been around forever, and I think our listeners would love to hear your story.

Kristin Molenaar: Absolutely! My journey began back in 2014 when I left my last traditional job. I always worked for small businesses and loved it, but I found myself in a situation where I had a not-so-great boss and needed a change. I saw an opportunity to become self-employed and jumped at it.

I thought that because I was a great employee, I’d be a great entrepreneur. Boy, was I wrong! I struggled for the first 14 months, like a starving artist trying to make it on my own. I knew how to do all the things in a corporate setting, but I had no idea how to run my own business. Leadership, working smart—I was clueless!

But I learned about the virtual assistant industry and decided to give it a try. I got my first client in 2016, and quickly realized I didn’t want to do the work myself. So, I built a virtual assistant agency, outsourcing tasks to a team. By 2018, we hit our first $100,000 in revenue within 10 months.

I wanted to share my entrepreneurial journey with others, so I decided to start talking on podcasts. It seemed like a low-barrier way to get started with public speaking without leaving my house. But, six months in, I hadn’t pitched myself to a single podcast due to imposter syndrome. My team finally stepped in and started booking me on podcasts, and that became our most effective marketing strategy.

We began offering podcast booking services to our clients, and it became clear this was where we could deliver the most value. By late 2020, we transitioned fully to this niche, helping entrepreneurs increase their visibility and credibility through podcast guesting.

The Power of Niching Down

Krystal Proffitt: I love hearing how people get into podcasting. It’s fascinating to see how people leverage their personalities, voices, and messages. Your journey is so inspiring. I’d love to know—what were your feelings when you decided to niche down your services to focus solely on podcast guesting?

Kristin Molenaar: It was pretty scary, to be honest. I remember writing in my journal, thinking about adding other PR services to podcast booking because I didn’t think it would be enough. But then I crunched the numbers.

I asked myself, “What does a successful business look like with just podcast booking?” I realized that with the right strategy, I could reach 100 clients. Are there 100 people who need my services? Absolutely. So, I focused on getting really good at podcast guesting instead of diluting my expertise with other services.

It’s tempting to want to serve everyone, but niching down allows you to deliver real value. That’s where the magic happens.

Krystal Proffitt: Niching down is definitely one of the scariest things an entrepreneur can do. But it’s also one of the most rewarding when you find your true audience.

Effective Podcast Guesting: What You Need to Know

Krystal Proffitt: Let’s dive into the heart of our conversation. You mentioned you wanted to talk about why people are ineffective at podcast guesting. What’s the secret to being a successful podcast guest?

Kristin Molenaar: It all boils down to knowing what you sell and who you’re serving. This goes for all your PR, marketing, and networking efforts. A big reason why guesting on podcasts can be ineffective is when people aren’t clear about their message.

For example, I have a friend who’s a copywriter with a large following, but she doesn’t specify what type of copywriting she offers. People don’t know if they’re hiring her for sales pages, emails, or social media content. This lack of clarity means people follow her but don’t buy from her.

When you’re a podcast guest, you must be crystal clear about what you do and who you serve. By the end of the episode, the host should know exactly who to refer to you. When we work with clients, we help them get specific about their messaging so that they can deliver value to the right audience.

Krystal Proffitt: I couldn’t agree more. As a host, I look for guests who have a clear, specific message that resonates with my audience. Your approach is spot on.

Networking on Steroids: Building Profitable Connections

Krystal Proffitt: I love the idea of treating podcast guesting as a networking strategy. Can you share more about how this approach works?

Kristin Molenaar: Absolutely! The most effective way to leverage podcast guesting is to see it as networking on steroids. It’s about building genuine relationships with people who share similar business philosophies and values.

Bigger podcasts might seem attractive, but they often don’t have room in their network for you. Smaller and medium-sized podcasts are more open to building connections and collaborating. These relationships often lead to profitable opportunities beyond the initial interview.

One strategy we use is finding ways to get in front of the host’s paid community. Paid communities have already demonstrated they’re willing to invest, so the audience is more engaged and likely to convert.

Krystal Proffitt: That’s brilliant. It’s all about finding those valuable connections and creating win-win opportunities for everyone involved.

The Process of Becoming a Podcast Guest

Krystal Proffitt: For those listening who are interested in becoming podcast guests, what does the process look like when working with you?

Kristin Molenaar: Our process starts with PR prep, where we have a strategy call to dive deep into your message, methodology, and target audience. We create a customized bio, talking points, and research strategy to ensure you stand out to the right podcasts.

Next, we have two paths: done-for-you bookings, where we handle everything and book you on podcasts, or done-with-you bookings, where we train your VA or help you hire one to handle the bookings.

Finally, we offer coaching to help you leverage podcast guesting for maximum impact. We provide content on how to build relationships with hosts and turn one booking into multiple opportunities.

Krystal Proffitt: That’s fantastic. You’re offering so much value and guidance to ensure your clients succeed.

Rapid Fire Questions

Krystal Proffitt: Let’s switch gears with some rapid-fire questions. What advice would you give to someone new to podcasting?

Kristin Molenaar: Don’t do it alone. There are people who have been where you are and are willing to help. Build a network and learn from others to grow your podcast.

Krystal Proffitt: What’s your dream podcast to be on, and who would be your dream guest to interview?

Kristin Molenaar: I don’t have a specific dream podcast. I love connecting with people who share my business philosophies. It’s all about meaningful connections for me.

Krystal Proffitt: Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?

Kristin Molenaar: No, I’m a “good enough-ist.” Perfectionism is a form of procrastination. It’s about building relationships and delivering value, not being perfect.


Kristin, thank you so much for joining us today and sharing your insights. Your approach to podcast guesting is refreshing and valuable. If you’re interested in working with Kristin or learning more about her services, connect with her on LinkedIn or visit Yes Boss at YesBossVA.com.

For more information on today’s episode, check out the show notes at KrystalProffitt.com/Episode248. If you’re listening in real-time, don’t forget about our review giveaway from April 26 to April 30, 2021. Visit KrystalProffitt.com/review for all the details.

As always, remember—keep it up. We all have to start somewhere.

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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