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How to Use Video with Your Podcast…

In my conversation with Patricia Kelikani today, we covered it all. From podcasting to sharing video on social media and even how to incorporate video into your sales funnels, this interview was jam-packed! 

How much has video changed in the last few years? 

Patricia’s been in the field for 16+ years (like before YouTube was even a thing!) and she has so much wisdom to share. And I loved hearing her say lighting and camera equipment is so much affordable than it used to be!

“[VIDEO] It’s now accessible to everyone…even kids!” -Patricia

How has lighting changed over the years?

LED lights are so much cooler (literally, not figuratively) and are super easy to use.

Should I do video and podcasting together?

Being able to add a visual layer to your podcast makes a huge difference. People being able to see you smile and react adds a personal touch to them connecting with you. 

  1. You can let your personality shine! Your ideal client can feel like they’re right there with you and talking with you.
  2. When you have a quality video, it can boost your credibility for your brand and as an expert in your field!

What are some of the ways we can incorporate video into our content?

Definitely infuse video into your sales funnels! You can add them to your sales page as a way to boost conversions, but also having testimonials videos from your clients.

Adding a video to your home page is also a great way to greet your ideal clients. Not only does this help boost your know, like, and trust factor when people click play and watch that video, they’re staying on your site longer which boosts SEO for your site.

Another great option for video is to create “How-to” videos for your clients to get quick wins. Whether you put these on YouTube or IGTV, a pre-recorded video, it’s then evergreen. And make sure you optimize those videos with keywords and tags.

“The average lifespan of a video is 4 years. Whereas the average lifespan of a Facebook post is 3 hours. So, I love it! I’m still getting new leads from a video I made a year ago on my YouTube channel. ”

Make sure you always include a call-to-action for how you want your audience to take the next step with you or your business. At the very least, you can tell people to go check out your podcast.

Patricia Kelikani

What Do You When Video Terrifies You?

It’s always weird to see yourself on video.

99% of the human population thinks that they look weird on camera.

And it’s mostly because How you look in the mirror (which is how we normally see ourselves) is different than you watching yourself on camera or video. So, you’re not alone if video is awkward in the beginning. But you have to remember, you’re not doing this for yourself. You’re doing this for the people you’re serving.

Here are some tips Patricia shared for how to get over your initial fears of video:

  1. You are your own beautiful self on video!
  2. Pretend that you’re making the video for your best friends.
    • People fall in love with you when you’re showing up as your genuine self. You have permission to be yourself!

What are Some of the Biggest Video Mistakes Newbies Make?

1. Where You Look

One of the biggest mistakes new people to video make is NOT looking at the actual lens! (I was totally guilty of this when I first started doing video and let me tell ya, it does make a huge difference when you get it right!) Instead, they’re looking at themselves on the monitor – which is usually the case. 

But the lens is your viewer’s eyes. 

When we talk to people face-to-face, we look them in the eyes. You want people, your ideal clients, to feel like you’re talking directly to them.

2. Lighting

Lighting is also a big mistake most people new to video making. You want to be sure that you’re set up with a good amount of light. People are drawn to that. And we want to make sure that our videos look great because that boosts our credibility, among other things. You want people to enjoy watching them. 

“Lighting is what makes your video higher quality (visually).” 

3. Audio

A lot of times people don’t use an external mic, and that’s okay for lower-key production videos. But it could make all the difference to plug in a $20 external mic to pick up a higher quality audio.

Patricia Kelikani

What Kind of Equipment do You Need When Getting Started with Video?

When you’re starting out, start with your phone. Many people aren’t ready to invest the money or the time to learn how to use fancy video equipment. And if you don’t have specialty lights, you can always sit in front of a window with indirect sunlight. (Meaning, being in the shady part or not looking directly into the sun.)

How Can We Create a Good Video Setup at Home?

“You don’t need an Instagrammable house to do video…”

The easiest thing to do is to pick a corner in your house that you can declutter. Pick a few props that can visually tell a little more of the story of who you are. Keep it simple. And tell the story visually of who you are.

What’s the Best Way to Repurpose Audio and Video?

Patricia’s a firm believer in repurposing. She talked about having an entire module in her online course dedicated to repurposing content.

“The joy of that is that you make something once, and then you have so many different outlets that you can then share it on.”

You can take one video and then use it in the obvious repurposing ways: YouTube, IGTV, Facebook clips, etc. But there are also the unconventional ways of repurposing: emails, Facebook Live training, or create a pre-recorded video.

Think about the 80/20 rule like this…

80% of your time is creating new content
20% should be spent sharing and repurposing it

Another way to think about repurposing your video is to think about B-Roll, which is supplementary video footage. You can take video clips or photos from the video you’ve already done. One of the key things, when you’re making a video, is to pose with different facial expressions and postures so you can use it over and over again.

Patricia Kelikani

What Tips Do You Have for a Beginner Video Editing?

Editing will ALWAYS take longer than you want it to. But, it’s also where the magic happens!

  1. Edit the audio first.
    • Edit you talking. Don’t think about the visuals. Much like a podcast. Just talk and make sure that sounds great first! 
  2. How do you want your audience to feel?
    • This is where you want to think about music if you’re going to add music to your videos. You want to ask yourself, “What do I want my audience to feel when they watch this video?”
    • If you’re looking for royalty-free music, check out AudioJungle. You can search for those emotional words you want your audience to feel.
  3. Think about the visuals.
    • This is where you’ll add in B-Roll or graphics to cover up the jumpcuts – these are the cuts you have when in between you talking. You don’t want one scene to end with you on the left side of the screen and then suddenly you’re on the right side of the screen.

What Software Do You Recommend to Get Started?

If you have an iPhone or a Mac, get started with iMovie. It’s free, easy-to-use, and you can upload audio, video, and graphics right there within your phone.

If you have an Android, Kinemaster is definitely the way to go.

If you have a PC computer, Filmora is great software to use with lots of options. 

Joined the Bootcamp Yet?

This is our FREE 5-day Podcast Video Series that walks you through the basics of podcasting!

Create Your Podcast Bootcamp

About Patricia Kelikani

Emmy Award winner Patricia Kelikani has helped companies double and even triple their revenue with video.  She has 15+ years of experience traveling the world as a documentary filmmaker, creating story-driven promo videos to help companies make more money, and producing a national television series. 

Known for her fun and simple teaching techniques, she’s now helping entrepreneurs create Lucrative Videos for high impact, more money & reminding clients that not having a CTA after a video is like meeting the man of your dreams and not giving him your phone number!

Ways to Learn More About Patricia

Check out Patricia’s amazing resources here: https://lucrativevideos.com/training

Patricia’s YouTube Channel

Instagram: @patriciakelikani

Our Rapid Fire Questions 

  • What advice would you give to a brand new podcaster?
  • Which podcast would be your dream podcast to guest on?
  • Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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