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First, Let’s Talk About Email List Building

Before we can dive into everything to do with having your first podcast lead magnet, we need to make sure you and I are on the same page. If you haven’t listened to the episode “Grow an Email List with a Podcast”, you definitely want to check that out so you understand the fundamentals of building your email list using your podcast.

I’m assuming…

Now, I’m going to make some assumptions and educated guesses about where you are in your journey before we really dive into today’s episode:

  • You know what I’m talking bout when it comes to building your email list because you’ve already listened to Episode 115 about it. There’s also a YouTube video you can check out here.
  • You’re not trying to build your email list without knowing the basic terminology associated with everything we’re talking about here today.
  • You’ve been podcasting for at least six months. In other words, this isn’t day one for your podcast and your email list. (Please don’t do that to yourself.)

Once you’ve done these, you’re ready to move on to step #1.

1. What’s Your Audience’s #1 Problem?

Let’s say you’ve had your podcast for at least six months. At this point, you should have a good understanding of who you’re actually speaking to. It’s no longer theoretical. You’ve interacted with your audience. You’re no longer just thinking of someone to speak to. You should know who they are.

So start asking them, “What is your biggest struggle?” Start engaging with your people. (Listen to the episode all about building a Facebook community here.)

If you have a podcast where you’re teaching something, go look at your stats to see what your listeners are resonating with. Look at your top five episodes and identify what your listeners are resonating with the most. Those are clues to what kind of podcast lead magnet you should create.

But if you’re coaching or teaching your listeners, think to yourself, “What is the number one thing that needs to be addressed before they can move forward in their journey?” And that’s where you want to start.

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2. How Can You Solve Their Problem?

When I was getting started, my friend Jacky asked me constantly, “How do you do this…where does that go…then what do you do…how does the finished file get sent out?” She had all of the questions. But, that was her problem I needed to solve. She needed to know how to start a podcast.

I created a checklist.

Now, I didn’t pull this checklist out of thin air. This was what I was already using to create my podcast every week, it was just in a simple Google Doc that I printed and kept on my desk. Nothing fancy at all.

When people started asking me – over and over again– how to start a podcast, I knew I needed to send them this checklist. 

Think about a solution that will get your audience into action. Because when they start seeing results, they’ll start to see you as the trusted source that has answers to their problems.

3. Decide on Your Podcast Lead Magnet Format

Use what you’re already good at. Please don’t try to create a five-day video series when you’re terrified to be on camera. You can definitely do this in the future, but remember, we’re talking about your very first podcast lead magnet.

Which format are you already comfortable creating content in? 

  • PDF or Short eBook
  • Video
  • Series of Emails
  • Audio File

Again, don’t try to create a complicated podcast lead magnet. You want to create something your listeners can identify as a solution to their problem and it allows them to quickly find the solution to their problem. They need to be able to consume the information in a relatively short amount of time.

And for those of you who are thinking about creating an online program, course, or membership in the future, make sure your freebie is related to what you’re eventually going to offer the people on your email list. 

Make sure all of your content is in alignment.

RECAP: How to Create Your First Podcast Lead Magnet

  1. What’s Your Audience’s #1 Problem?
  2. How Can You Solve Their Problem?
  3. Decide on the Format

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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