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How to Improve Your Podcast Website and Email with Expert Copywriting 

Erika’s piece of advice is, “Don’t be intimidated to start small.” She also advised us to really hone in on 1) who our target audience is and 2) our overall goal with the podcast website. Erika shared that her podcast goals are to grow her audience, get more visibility, and eventually drive more business. 

If you want to see this in action, check out Erika’s “Makeover Gallery” section on her own website. She has amazing pics of her clients’ sites and the magic she creates for them!

What are the common mistakes you see most people make on their websites?

Unclear Message
Not being clear about what it is that you do or what your podcast is about. What you do and who you do it for

Too Long
Keep things shorts: use headlines and subheadlines to break things up into chunks of copy!

No Clear Direction
Help guide the reader: when someone lands on your podcast website, where do they need to go next? What’s the call-to-action?

Podcast Website and Emails

3 Key Elements Every Email MUST Have! 

Podcasting and emails are both super intimate. With podcasting, however, you aren’t able to start a direct conversation with your listener right there on the platform they’re on. But in email, you can start a conversation with your listener who may eventually be your customer just by asking a question in an email.

Let’s break down the 3 elements you need in order to make sure you’re having the most success with your emails:

1. Engaging Subject Line

A common mistake is making everything so formal. Take a step back and think, “If I was sending this to my best friend Jen, what subject line would I use?” Make it casual. You can do no capitalization at all.

2. Personalization

Your emails should talk to one person. Not addressing everyone. No starting your email saying, “Hey everyone…” Just imagine you’re talking to one person and write your email to that one person.

3. Call-To-Action

What do you want someone to do as a result of that email? Do you want them to listen to your latest podcast episode? Do you want them to subscribe? Do you want them to rely back to you? You can do this easily by ending your emails with a question. Erika says it’s how she’s starting dozens of conversations with her audience that are still ongoing today.

One awesome tip for podcasters that Erika learned from one her mentor’s, the amazing Laura Belgray, is to share swipe copy for her audience when sending their emails. For example, when you go to send your weekly email to your people, you could include something like this:

“P.S. Hey, it would really make my day if you would share this episode. Here’s a little blurb about the episode that you can share on your social media.”

You want people to get used to hearing your name so you stay top of mind with your audience. The important thing is consistency!

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How Do You Engage an Audience When You’ve Never Actually Emailed Them? 

You can acknowledge that this is your first time to email them and admit you’ve dropped the ball. Or don’t and just start writing consistent emails from here on out. 

Remind them why they signed up for your email list. Add some value. And then end with a P.S. asking them a question like, “How long have you been listening to the podcast?” 

Where Should I Send Listeners on My Podcast Website?

If you don’t have a landing page that you’ve dedicated to list building, then send people to your About page.

How Do You Guide Readers on Your Website?

It’s like if someone comes into your house, you’ll show them where to sit or where to go so you’re a good host! So make sure you’re website has a flow to it. You want to show people where you want them to go instead of letting them guess where they need to go.

About Erika Holmes 

Erika Holmes is a copywriting expert who helps entrepreneurs find the sweet spot between clarity and personality in their marketing message. Through her work with big and small brands alike, she’s seen firsthand that putting personality in your copy is the fastest, best way to attract dream clients. In addition to online entrepreneurs and personal brands, Erika’s list of clients includes eBay, StubHub and Levi’s, and many more. She’s on a mission to show her kids and other aspiring entrepreneurs that they can make a damn good living doing what they love — even with an English degree.

Erika is the host of Make Over Your Marketing Podcast.

Ways to Learn How Erika Can Help You with Your Podcast Website and Emails

Instagram: @erikavholmes

Make sure you check out all of Erika’s Quiz:


Our Rapid Fire Questions 

  • What advice would you give to a brand new podcaster?
  • Which podcast would be your dream podcast to guest on?
  • Do you consider yourself a perfectionist?
  • If you had one word to describe how you’re feeling about what’s going on in the world?

Podcast Website and Emails

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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