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SEO for Podcasts

Before we dive headfirst into SEO, I wanted to take a second to tell you that all of the information you’re learning here today can be applied to the 3 different types of podcast descriptions we talked about in Episode 89. So if you haven’t listened to that episode, stay with me here FIRST, and then go check out how you can use all of this SEO info for those descriptions.

But are you ready to talk about keywords and SEO? 

Yeah, I see you no-tech fans rolling your eyes and saying, “I guess if I don’t have a choice!” 

And you’re right.
You don’t have a choice. 

Because I’m here to tell you that I waited WAY TOO LONG to really understand keywords and now that Google is actually indexing podcast episodes…

I’m trying to help YOU show up on the first page of Google! 

Oh…now I got your attention huh?

I want to teach YOU how to show up on the first page of Google!

Search Engine Optimization for Podcasts

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization – Translation, how the information you put out on the web winds up in search engines like Google.

Now, you could create podcast content that ends up buried under millions of other pieces of content. OR – and this is where SEO optimization comes in – you could wind up on the very first page of Google.

Now, how does this actually work?

I really want to stay high-level with all of this because I know many of you don’t need one more tech thing freaking you out. 

So I’m going to suggest, like I have in previous episodes, that you install the “Keywords Everywhere” plugin for your computer. It’s 100% free! And it’ll show you how people are searching for information every single day?

SEO for Podcasts

Why Is This Important?

Well, you want to create relevant content, right? You want to create something that you know your audience is going to get value from and may already be searching the web for. 

So I want you to start doing keyword research for SEO as part of your content idea strategy. Because the more content you create around ideas people are ALREADY searching for, the higher the probability you have to be found on Google! 

Did I just totally blow your mind?!? I hope so because this made my head explode when I FINALLY understood the importance of keywords.

And y’all I’ve been blogging for a long time and I’ve learned SEO from many different teachers, but it didn’t fully “CLICK” until recently!

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Podcast Show Notes (WordPress)

There are many tools you can use for a WordPress website, but the one I’d recommend before all others is Yoast!

How to use the YOAST SEO TOOL

  1. Fill Out Focus Keyphrase
    • Your keyword that you want this specific podcast episode to rank for.
  2. Fill in SEO Title
    • Make sure it’s not too long because the title will get cut off.
  3. Fill in Slug
    • The information that comes after your website domain
    • EX: KrystalProffitt.com/episode90
  4. Fill in Meta Description
    • This is a chance to add your keywords and a short explanation of the episode.

SEO for Podcasts

You want the Readability Analysis & SEO Analysis to be GREEN.
YELLOW is okay, but lowers your chance of ranking.
RED needs to be improved. (Don’t settle for RED!)

SEO for Podcasts


Literally as soon as I finished recording this podcast episode, I realized Keywords Everywhere is no longer are FREE keyword tool. [Insert sad face]

However, I still recommend using it.
I’ve been using this tool for over a year and it’s made a huge impact on how to analyze people’s searches on Google and other platforms like YouTube. 

To get started, I purchased just $10 worth of credits to see if I still enjoyed the paid version. (Which I already know I will.) But I wanted to make sure I let you know that it’s not 100% FREE anymore like I said in this episode.

How to Use Keywords Everywhere

Start typing in things your audience is already searching for. When I go to research content ideas, I try to think of how my audience would search for something instead of how I think I should title something. (Which is why you’ll see a lot of my podcast episodes are written in the format of a question for the title.)

Once you’ve typed the question or topic (this could also be the keyword you think you want to use), check out the results.

You want to choose something with results between 100 – 1,000 searches per month.

  • For Example: to title this podcast episode, I searched
    • Podcast Episode Show Notes & SEO (My original idea) wasn’t good.
    • SEO for Podcasts or Podcast SEO was much better!

Google SEO for Podcasts

RECAP: SEO for Podcasts

  1. SEO for Podcasts
  2. Why It’s Important 
  3. What Tools I USE

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Comments +

  1. Paul Hardt says:

    Hey Krystal, I went to Keywords Everywhere and discovered: (Cut & paste below) Am I at the correct URL? -Paul

    Sign up for API Access
    Thank you for installing the Keywords Everywhere browser addon.

    You need to sign up below for the API Key to use it
    (their From 1st Oct 2019, Keywords Everywhere has become a paid tool.
    After you install the API key, you will need to purchase credits to see volume data.
    We’ll email you the link to get your API Key.
    Your Email
    Your Email
    I agree to the Terms of ServiceTerms of Service & Privacy Policy
    I agree to sign-up for the monthly newsletter
    (we never spam or sell your information)

    • admin says:

      Yes, you’re at the right place Paul. As of 10/01/2019 Keywords Everywhere is no longer a 100% FREE tool.

      But I still stand behind it. It’s been THE BEST and EASIEST keyword research tool I’ve ever used.

      To get started, I’d suggest using their lowest amount to see how long the credits last you. (I’m estimating that the $10 option will last me more than a month or 2.)

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HI, I'M Krystal Proffitt

Podcast coach, content strategist, best-selling author, lifelong cheerleader, and content marketer

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