







BSchool Summer Sesh is a 4-week online learning program for big-hearted creatives who want to build a meaningful, profitable business online taught by the marketing legend herself, Marie Forleo.

This curriculum-based training program teaches smart, effective online marketing strategies to business owners who want more sales and more impact from their online presence.

What is BSchool?

I know how it is to join a program and then have second thoughts. Don’t sweat it. We’re doing 4-weeks of accountability as a group in a private Slack community as we go through BSchool together!

If big groups or crowds hold you back, our smaller community will be super helpful. You’ll get your most pressing business questions answered and keep you from saying, “Well, I tried it all by myself and it didn’t work.”

Nope! None of that. We’ve got your back!

“What the heck am I even doing here? I’m in over my head!”

4 Weeks of accountability

Want me to take a look at your business and give you feedback?

Whether you're just getting started or you've been in business for years without getting the results you're after, let me help. 

I'll audit your business (or business plans) and give you feedback on how you can implement fast and efficiently - in the most painless way.

"I'm stuck -  and I don't know why..."

Business Audit

You didn't think I'd leave you hanging without content strategies, did you? 

Stop feeling overwhelmed with the idea of starting and running a business AND creating content because you're getting full access to my content repurposing program, Radical Repurposing - where I teach you to repurpose YouTube videos, podcast episodes, daily social posts and more!

"I need help with my content..."


enroll now

Ready to Join BSchool Summer Sesh?

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I get access to all of your bonuses?

Great question! You'll be added to the accountability group after you enroll -- you'll receive instructions with your welcome email from me. The Business Audit information will be sent after enrollment closes. 
Access to Radical Repurposing will be available after the refund period ends.

Am I right for BSchool?

I knew BSchool was the best decision for me. But if you're not feeling that gut instinct, here's how Marie and Team Forleo describer graduates: 
- Action-oriented, committed beginners doing business online. 
- Already successful experts, authors, coaches, consultants, podcasters, YouTubers, bloggers, and writers who have an online presence but are not making as much money as they’d like to make.
- We’ve had great success with business owners who are active online and have established followings but were not yet selling information products, group coaching programs, live events, or high-end consulting. 
- Established relationship-based offline businesses that want to increase business and brand loyalty by leveraging their online presence. 

Who isn't right for BSchool?

I truly think anyone could get amazing results with this program, but Team Forleo feels really strong about making the right customers happy and avoiding people who fall into this category:

- We will not be helping people find their niche. We do a lot of work on identifying your ideal market and customer, but participants should have at least one viable business idea. And — absolutely no whiners, PITAs or people who are addicted to saying, “I know all this already.” If any of these people register, they’ll get a prompt and courteous refund.

How much time should I set aside to complete the program?

Honestly, everyone's learning styles are different. For me, it worked best to watch all of the module videos and then do the worksheets when I had focused time.  (In other words, I watched the videos doing the laundry/cooking dinner then did the "homework" when I had zero distractions.)

If you can budget at least 5 hours a week to work through B School, you'll be all set!

What kind of results do BSchoolers typically get?

I can't predict your results, but here are some of my highlights since I joined in 2019: Published an Amazon Best-Selling Book; Won podcast award; Spoke on dream stages: Podcast Movement, Ramsey Solutions, PodFest, & Amy Porterfield's Momentum Membership; More than half a million views on my YouTube channel; 200+ members of my digital program, Proffitt Podcasting

From Team Forleo:
BSchool is a proven winner and has run for years to rave reviews. We’re proud to have a low refund rate of 1%, virtually unheard of in our industry. Check out hundreds of reviews on the sales page, which is just a portion of the feedback we’ve received from our customers.

What is the total investment?

The investment when you enroll in B School is: $2,499

*Throw on top of that all the added value you get in my $1,973 in bonuses you'll receive - when you enroll with me - at NO EXTRA COST to you!

AWESOME! You already have Marie's tool and trainings at your fingertips. 

With the 2024 BSchool Alumni Package, you get the 4 Weeks of Accountability ($397 value) AND the Business Audit ($997 value) for only $497!

*Must show proof of previous BSchool enrollment; not required to have purchased through my affiliate link.

"I already took BSchool, but still want help..."

BSchool Alumni Bonus

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alumni Bundle